Dwarf Planets: Go on….dive in!

For anyone already working with dwarf planets, or those simply curious, you’ll find much to interest and inspire you in this chat between myself and American astrologer Sue Kientz http://moreplutos.com/ who has nearly two decades of extensive work on trans Neptunian planets.

Originally planned as an informal discussion around further work, we ended up discussing everything from 9/11, Princess Diana, Pearl Harbour, Donald Trump, Roe vs Wade, Climate change, AI, the US Pluto Return and the current Israel conflict. We also look at how dwarf planets and their cycles can massively enhance our astrological insight both from a personal and collective perspective.

N.B. around 25minutes 11 seconds I discuss a Mars Pluto conjunction at 00Scorpio when in fact I meant the Mars Haumea conjunction. Apologies!

So, dive in and enjoy. The video begins with an important question……

“how do we get people more interested in astrology and dwarf planets, and how do today’s astrologers who are already using dwarf planets and trans-Neptunians promote their exciting potential to other astrologers and astrology-friendly people?”

If you find this interesting, watch out for another video later in January, my talk from the Astrological Association Conference 2023……….“The Deep Evolutionary Power of Pluto & Haumea: Where There Is Life There Is Hope – Healing At A Molecular Level”

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